Bikur Cholim Chesed Org.’s Luncheon/Auction a Resounding Success

April 30th dawned overcast and cool; however, by the time noon approached and the doors opened at Ateres Chaya for the Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization’s Annual Luncheon & Auction, the room was permeated with warmth and good cheer.  Ladies Auxiliary Presidium Esther BiberfeldLeah Kahan and Sarah Tannenbaum welcomed the overflow crowd who came to show support for the renowned chesed organization.  The roster of honorees was outstanding, and brought crowds of all ages together for a worthy cause.

Presidium member Sarah Tannenbaum opened the program with her characteristically eloquent words. She then gave over the microphone to Esther Biberfeld, Presidium member, who listed the many wonderful accomplishments of Hospital Leadership Honoree Lorraine Carroll, MSN, RN,CCRN, Assistant Vice President of the Heart & Vascular Center at Maimonides Medical Center and lauded her renowned work on behalf of patients in the hospital.

Estie Klein, MHC, Volunteer Coordinator for Bikur Cholim’s Family Crisis Intervention Program, spoke about the vital need of this lifesaving project for families suffering from dysfunction and mental illness, while presenting the Lev V’Nefesh Award to volunteer Zissy Cohen and social work interns Shandy Ashkenazy, Brocha Fried, Robin Klein, Bracha Kohanteb and Aliza Sklar.

The next presentation was the Yedei Chesed Award to Bikur Cholim volunteers Leah Brickman, Malkie Kuten and Ruchie Ostreicher. Esther Neuman, Bikur Cholim’s Coordinator of Volunteers, spoke about the incredible devotion and dedication of these women, and the chesed they perform every day in their quiet, unassuming manner. Malkie Kuten then took the microphone and praised Esther Neuman’s compassion and willingness to always go the extra mile to help a fellow Yid.

Ahavas Yisroel Awardee Chaya Esther Einhorn, who works in the computer room at the Bikur Cholim office, was the next honoree on the agenda.  Ladies Presidium member Leah Kahan, with her signature warmth, lauded Chaya Esther for her incredibly giving nature, constant good cheer and wonderful talents and how beloved she is by family and friends alike.

Esther Framovitz, Mesamchei Lev Awardee is a Case Worker in Bikur Cholim’s Ezer L’Cholim program for Holocaust Survivors. Her gracious demeanor along with her bubbly personality endears her to the Shearis Hapleitah she is privileged to assist. Esther accepted the award l’ilui nishmas her beloved mother, Mrs. Suri Paplanos a”h, whose first yartzeit was 3 days before the event. Esther’s daughter, Mimi Klein, spoke lovingly of her dear Babby and of her extraordinary devotion to her ill husband z”l, family and to all who flocked to her for her exceptional wisdom and compassion.

Once again, it was a granddaughter who stepped up to the podium and succinctly and eloquently described the legacy of her Zaidy, Reb Yitzchok (Felix) Mosbacher z”l, Memorial Tribute Award. Mindy Erlich spoke warmly of her Zaidy’s honesty, integrity and kovod habrios as he forged a Torah-true path that his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are zoche to follow. The award was then presented to his children: Yospy Igel, Ruthy Mosbacher and Esther Henny Jaroslawicz, Bikur Cholim’s Office Manager.

To cap off the afternoon, Rebitzen Sura Stein had the privilege of presenting the Guest of Honor Award to her chosheve mother, Voidislover Rebitzin, Reb. Tzirel Rottenberg, tlit”a. After extolling some of the many virtues of the Rebetzin, she was joined on stage by her sisters as the crowd warmly applauded the esteemed Rebitzen and her myriad acts of chesed.

The finale of the event was a magnificent Chinese Auction under the direction of Zippora Salamon and Rivka Blima Klein.  All monies raised at the luncheon and auction are used exclusively to fund Bikur Cholim’s Medical Relief Program, which helps needy individuals pay their medical bills, etc.  B’Chasdei Hashem, the event was a huge success, and participants went home with a renewed appreciation of the admirable chesed work of Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization, 5216 11th Avenue, 718.438.2020.

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